It's A Sale!

Exciting things for you Cinnalooneys!

We are having a sale on our Spring/Summer collection!

This sale will allow us to fill the shop with some goodies for Fall and Winter. The Fall/Winter sale will be another seasonal combined collection! Of course, we will likely stock the shop with a few more holiday items when it gets closer to the season, but for now we are doing our best to make some pretty amazing things for all of you to enjoy.

Enough talk of Fall and Winter! It's technically still Summer for about another week, so let's talk about the End Of Summer sale! This sale will include the entire Spring/Summer Collection as well as a few Spring themed items that we have available in our shop year round. That means that once the sale is over and the Fall/Winter collection is live, the Spring/Summer collection will not be available until next year, so if you've had your eye on something it's your last chance before it's gone! To shop this collection straight from this blog, you can click here.

That's all I have for this little blog update, next time I will talk about a few of the custom items I've been working on, and the items that will be included in the next collection!

Until next time, stay crafty!

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